Take great notes. Remember more

Use annotation tools to read and study your way. Improve active reading to ensure you're soaking up the most relevant information.

Highlight important points

Highlight and markup, to make key points stand out at a glance and promote greater recall.

Color-code to remember

Set up a system that works for you and filter annotations by color, to quickly sort material.

Jot down your thoughts

Map out summaries in the margins to enhance your understanding of the material.

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Breeze through assignments

Make last-minute tweaks to your work and extract vital text from scanned course material.

Edit PDFs your way

Modify text, update images, and insert links to create professional-looking papers.

Organize PDFs with ease

Remove, add and rearrange PDF pages - or merge entire documents.

Make scans searchable

Use OCR to recognize the text in scanned papers, so you can search, highlight and copy it.

Win over your lecturers

Stand out from the crowd by creating grade 'A' assignments that can be customised, shared securely and easily reviewed.

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Enhance your studies with powerful tools

Take a closer look at how we make PDF easy for Students with all the tools you need, done right.

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Use on the go across all your devices

Unlock your academic potential with seamless access on iPhone, iPad and Mac.

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Secure 50% off with your exclusive educational discount and focus on your studies.
 PDF Expert makes it easy to jump into your course work with powerful tools.

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