How to work with PDFs on iPhone and iPad

Do any PDF task with PDF Expert — a top-of-the-range PDF editor with a long list of useful PDF editing features designed specifically for Apple devices. Open and edit text, images, and links effortlessly, or fill out and sign forms with ease. Rearrange, delete, or rotate pages to organize your documents exactly how you need them. Explore the how-to articles below and learn how to edit PDFs on your iPhone and iPad.

Edit PDFs on iPhone and iPad

PDF Expert is one of the best PDF editors for iPad and iPhone devices. Whether you need to number the pages of a large PDF document or simply create an outline to navigate them better, our iPad PDF editor allows you to make any changes in PDFs on the go without desktop apps. Enjoy the flexibility of editing text, adding images, and modifying links on the go.

How to edit PDFs on iPhones and iPads

Need to fix a typo or update your photo in a CV? PDF Expert can do it for you. Learn how to edit documents on your iPhone in just a few clicks. Edit PDF text, add and replace images, and even add links to PDFs with our Apple PDF editor.

How to reduce the PDF file size

Don't worry if the PDF file you're going to share is too large. PDF Expert lets you compress PDFs on your iPhone and iPad in just two taps.

Read and annotate PDFs on iPhone and iPad

How to view PDFs

PDF Expert is one of the best PDF readers for iPads. It provides a convenient, easy way to review and read PDF documents. Explore some tricks to improve your reading experience with PDF files.

How to annotate PDFs

Annotating is the most natural way to organize and remember the text you read. Highlight text, make notes and comments, draw on PDFs, add shapes, and more.

Sign PDFs and fill out forms on iPhone and iPad

Save time by signing and filling out forms on the go. Our software can be used across all Apple devices, whether you’re sitting at your Mac or editing a document on your cell phone or iPad. Sign and send documents in seconds without compromising the format or quality. You can also explore our library of helpful PDF templates, ready to be filled in so that you avoid many of the hassles of manually typing out your invoices, contracts, financial documents, and forms.

How to sign a PDF

Easily sign PDF contracts and invoices on your iPhone and iPad. Learn how to create a beautiful signature and use it across all your devices.

How to fill out PDF forms

There's no need to print tax forms, invoices, and other documents. You can fill out PDF forms on your iPhone and iPad. Find out how to do it in a few taps.

Organize PDFs on iPhone and iPad

Once you’ve made all of the edits you need to your PDFs, use our software to tidy up your PDF documents and easily transfer them to Mac or PC. Merge multiple PDFs, remove the PDF pages you don’t need, and save your document in the format you want, all in just a few simple steps. PDF Expert helps you manage your files and stay organized and productive no matter where you are.

How to merge PDFs

With PDF Expert 7, it only takes a few seconds to combine PDFs on your iPhone and iPad. Once you've merged multiple files, you can easily reorder, delete, or rotate pages.

How to transfer PDFs from your computer

Quickly move files between your iPhone or iPad and computer with Readdle's Wi-Fi Transfer. All you need is our free PDF Expert app and a Wi-Fi network.

How to delete PDF pages on iPhone or iPad

Looking for an easy way to delete pages from a PDF? PDF Expert can help you delete pages in PDFs on your iPhone in a matter of seconds.

How to scan a PDF document on iPhone and iPad

With PDF Expert, high-quality digital copies are just a snap away. You no longer need a desk scanner to scan books, receipts, or contracts.

How to rotate pages in PDF on iPhone and iPad

Whether you're handling scanned documents or images merged into a PDF, the ability to rotate PDF pages on iOS becomes a valuable skill. PDF Expert make rotating pages and other edits in PDFs easy.

How to rearrange PDF pages on your iPhone

Need to make last-minute edits to a contract or reorder pages in a PDF presentation? You can do this quickly on your iPhone using PDF Expert.

Create PDFs on iPhone and iPad

Do your part for the environment and go paperless by transforming those numerous stacks of clutter-creating paper into elegantly designed PDFs. No matter what PDF task you need to complete, our PDF creator’s capabilities stretch as far as your imagination can go. Easily make a PDF from scratch and convert other files to PDFs using PDF Expert.

How to create a PDF

If you’re wondering how to make a PDF file on iPhone or iPad, our PDF Expert 7 is here to help. It lets you easily create new PDFs as well as convert existing files into PDFs.

How to convert to PDF

PDF Expert lets you turn Word, Pages, Excel, JPG, and PNG files into PDF. So if you're wondering how to convert iPhone photo to PDF, check out how to do it in a couple of taps.

How to convert a PDF to Google Doc on iPhone or iPad

Use PDF Expert to convert any PDF file into a Word doc, and then upload it to the Google Drive app, where you can save, edit, and share it.

How to convert a PDF file to Excel on iPhone or iPad

Converting a PDF file to Excel format on your iPhone or iPad could be challenging - but not with PDF Expert. Our file converter can export your existing document to Excel smoothly and fast.

How to convert a PDF file to PPT on iPhone and iPad

Ever need to convert your PDF file into a ready-to-use PowerPoint presentation? With PDF Expert, this task requires just several taps and can be a matter of seconds.

How to save iPhone Notes as PDF

If you need to share a note from the Notes app on your iPhone or iPad, you need to export the note and save it in a file format that works anywhere. Here’s a simple tutorial that explains how to save iPhone notes as PDFs.

How to save email as PDF on iPhone or iPad

Received some important piece of information over email that you want to archive for later? The easiest way to do this is to save the email as a PDF file.

Get started with
PDF Expert today

We make it easy to edit, annotate, sign and organize PDFs.