Educators across the globe are using PDF Expert

With a 12 year track record and multiple awards from Apple - PDF Expert is trusted by educators in over 160 countries

Capture your student’s attention

Use annotation tools to highlight, mark up and stamp your students work. Make feedback engaging, so that they’re soaking up the most relevant information.

Enhance your lessons with powerful tools

PDF Expert has all the tools to help you teach at 50% off, from creating teaching materials to marking up student assignments.

Prepare course materials

Gather information from multiple sources into a PDF file for your students.

Provide feedback

Write in the margins with the Apple Pencil, add pop-up notes, highlights or stamps.

Edit course material

Easily modify the text, add images and links, and organize pages in your PDF slides.

Save storage space

Free up some space in your LMS by compressing PDF documents.

Search scanned documents

Use OCR to recognize the text in scanned papers, so you can search, highlight and copy it.

Advanced reading tools

Enjoy advanced reading tools. Adjust font size and brightness, choose between Day, Night or Sepia modes.

Inspire your students

Review assignments on the go and empower your students by providing engaging feedback. PDF Expert has all the tools you need to inspire and improve communication with your class.

Get started with
PDF Expert today

Don’t take our word for it

Discover what our users are saying about PDF Expert, join the community of experts and elevate your productivity like never before!

Best app for teachers working with PDFs!!!

The app makes a seamless transition from Word docs to PDFs and saves everything in one fell swoop. I’ve only had it for about a week, but I’ve loved everything about it, and I do not have to carry a mountain of papers everywhere! Save the trees, people! Wonderful app!


Functions well cloud storage

I’m in a graduate program and use PDF Expert to read and annotate journal articles. I store all of my school-related documents in Dropbox, and I haven’t had any syncing issues. I was also able to seamlessly link my iCloud (home) and One Drive (work) accounts.

denice o.

Great App!!!

Anyone would love this wonderful app to help take notes and keep track as you are listening to lectures!


Explore our success stories

See how lecturers and instructors worldwide use PDF Expert to inspire a new way of teaching.

Small steps create BIG WINS

Learn about how PDF Expert supports Educators to make working with PDFs easy.

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How PDF Expert Can Help You with Online Teaching: 7 Tips

See how PDF Expert helps students study from home more effectively.

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PDF Expert is the best tool for Apple products: Its features and tech charm

Apple technology and PDF Expert are designed to let you multitask effortlessly.

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Get started with your 50% discount

Secure 50% off with your exclusive educational discount and focus on your studies.
 PDF Expert makes it easy to jump into your course work with powerful tools.

*Special educational offer