

Why PDF Expert is the right choice for the 2024 school year

Whether you are a stressed freshman entering college or an experienced Ph.D. teacher, the start of the school year feels both inspiring and overwhelming. You have so much work ahead of you, not to mention the huge to-do lists and bureaucratic tasks to tackle. Start your 2024 academic year prepared with the right PDF editing app that will help you to finish your tasks faster, easier, and more efficiently.

Studying and teaching today involves dealing with dozens of paper and digital documents on a daily basis whether it’s reading, annotating, or rewriting. It’s crucial to have efficient tools that will help you with organizing and editing all of your course materials. PDF Expert was designed to make any PDF task easier: from recognizing a text on a bad-quality scanned paper to combining two documents on the go and polishing the task assignment PDF. Our PDF Expert team is on a mission to make students’ and teachers’ PDF work more efficient - so students can unlock their academic potential and get those well-deserved A grades; while teachers can upgrade their toolkit and create custom learning experiences that keep students engaged. 

Oh, and the best part of getting PDF Expert for the 2024 school year? We offer 50% off our Premium Plan for both students and teachers! 

Based on the experience our users shared with us, we gathered here 5 typical educational document struggles and how PDF Expert helps to deal with them, saving time and effort. 

1. Non-searchable documents in different formats


Throughout a study week you will deal with a Word textbook sent through email, scanned notes from your friend received via messenger, and a PowerPoint presentation you found online. It could be hard to work with all the different formats, especially those that have non-recognizable text that you cannot search, copy and paste. 

With PDF Expert, you can easily convert text documents, photos, or spreadsheets into professional-looking PDFs. PDF Expert comes with a powerful built-in converter that lets you turn Word, Pages, Excel, JPG, and PNG files into PDFs on your iPhone or Mac. Then you can merge several PDFs into one document, gathering all topic materials into a well-structured PDF. 

One more “life-changing feature”, as one of the student users said, is Scan & OCR. It uses optical character recognition technology to turn any scanned document into a PDF with recognized text, that you can edit, copy and share. Also, it makes the document’s text searchable, so you can seek specific information through all opened documents in PDF Expert. No more unreadable scanned documents slowing down your studying process!

2. The pain of assignment collaboration


When dealing with task assignments, both students and teachers face chaos with handling notes and documents back and forth, losing edits and comments on the way. With PDF Expert, you can edit PDFs, change text and images, add highlights, and comments to make collaboration on documents easy and efficient. You can even record voice comments for specific document parts, providing feedback faster. If needed, export PDF into text, image, Word, PowerPoint, or Excel formats, and easily share it through email or messengers. 

Sync your PDF Expert with cloud storage to have all of your docs available on all devices, and use it for instantly sharing PDFs with peers or colleagues. All you need is PDF Expert installed on both iPad and Mac, access to the Internet, and any cloud storage (e.g. iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.). Files you edit on the iOS/iPadOS device will sync to your Mac and vice versa if you connect to the same cloud storage account on both platforms.

3. Course materials across different places and devices


The big advantage of going to college or uni today is that you can fit most of your papers and books into your iPhone or iPad, instead of carrying them around. With PDF Expert, you can scan and OCR paper books, as well as convert to PDF photos and texts you need for the course. This way, all your course materials will always be available on the go, whether you read a paper on a train or annotate an idea in the classroom. 

To be even more organized, you can create separate folders in PDF Expert, one for each topic or course. Also, take advantage of the Inbox folder, which acts as a first file management point for your documents. When you download documents from a browser, email, or Messenger to PDF Expert, they will be automatically saved to the Inbox folder, so you can rename and sort them later. 

4. Complicated PDF editing software

Some PDF editing apps look like a starship control monitor, overloaded with features and buttons. Plus, they have complicated layouts that are difficult to use. 

To make things easier for our users, we made PDF Expert effortless to use, with an intuitive interface and simple navigation. A Ph.D. user who writes papers on behavioral economics, recently told us that PDF Expert was one of the reasons he switched to Apple devices, as he instantly liked the ease of use and the effortless scrolling of the app. 

“Good product should be a simple product”, as another user said, and we strive to keep it this way. Our smooth scrolling and Sepia mode are standout features when students and teachers need to read dozens of books a day. 

5. PDF apps are too expensive

To continue the thought above, good products can’t be cheap. One needs to invest in technology and design, and constantly adapt products to the needs and wants of users. This is why most PDF editors are quite expensive. 

However, PDF Expert provides a 50% discount for students and teachers, to support those who learn, teach, inspire, and pave the way to success. We are here to help you ignite your productivity and crush your assignments! 

Getting an annual PDF Expert plan will provide you with all the premium features that will help you to succeed this academic year:

  • Color-code annotations and summaries to remember. Set up a color-code system that works for you and filter annotations by color, to quickly sort material. Map out summaries in the margins to enhance your understanding of the material.
  • Edit PDFs your way on the go. Modify text, update images, and insert links to create professional-looking documents. 
  • Organize PDFs with ease. Remove, add, and rearrange PDF pages - or merge entire documents. 
  • Make scans searchable. Use OCR to recognize the text in scanned papers, so you can search, highlight and copy it.
  • Create a digital PDF library. Convert photos, texts, and spreadsheets into editable PDFs, keep all your course materials in one place, and use it across all devices. 

Start the 2024 academic year prepped for success with an easy-to-use PDF editor, and take advantage of the 50% educational discount. 

Want to know more about PDF Expert features and how they can help you teach or study? Here are some good reads: 

Yevheniia Dychko Yevheniia Dychko

PDF Expert

All the PDF tools you need

Easily edit, annotate, sign and organize PDFs. Effortlessly breeze through any task!

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