

PhDwithMelissa’s balanced approach to academic success

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Melissa is a PhD researcher and content creator living in the UK. While she focuses her study on the exciting and rare topic of ancient female statues, she also tries to figure out ways to make her PhD journey less stressful. She shares tips, planners, and tools on her aesthetic Instagram account.

In this blog, Melissa shares her approach to finding a balance between productivity and self-care in her life as a PhD student. She also discusses her must-have tools and healthy routine tips essential to advancing in academia.

Prioritizing well-being and managing stress

Well-being management is at the core of Melissa’s academic success. She has discovered that integrating movement and self-care into her daily routine helps her manage stress while staying motivated. When tension and pressure build up, she takes a walk outside to reset or goes to yoga to refocus. These activities help her decompress while also ensuring she gets enough physical activity and fresh air.

Beyond physical activities, a key strategy she relies on is the way she structures her day. Melissa plans her weeks carefully to prevent burnout, giving herself time to recharge and step away from work when necessary. This approach not only helps to manage stress but also boosts productivity in the long run. She reminds herself to be patient—pacing is important, and knowing when to step back helps her return to work feeling refreshed.

Streamlining the research process

Efficiency in managing academic work is crucial, and having the right tools at hand makes all the difference. One tool she can rely on is PDF Expert, which allows her to annotate research papers with ease. Its functionality is simple yet effective and allows her to approach papers in new ways. Melissa likes to use Zotero to manage citations and references, which helps to keep her research well-organized.

Google Docs is another favorite for jotting down notes and ideas, and she loves that it’s accessible anywhere. It allows her to stay flexible, as she can work on her notes from any device. To manage tasks and stay on top of her workload, Melissa uses Gmail’s integrated to-do list. It's not complicated, but it’s reliable and helps to stay organized as she juggles multiple projects.

Creating an intentional study routine

To maintain focus and productivity, Melissa has learned to tailor her study environment and schedule to my needs. One strategy she finds particularly helpful is switching between different study locations. For lighter tasks, she enjoys working in cafes where the ambient noise and energy keep her alert and motivated. However, when it’s time for deep, focused work, Melissa opts for quieter spaces like the home office or the university library. These spaces allow her to concentrate fully, especially for tasks like writing and research that require a lot of mental energy.

She also organizes her daily tasks around her circadian rhythm. Understanding that she works best in the afternoons, she uses her mornings for simpler tasks and saves more cognitively demanding work for the later hours. This structure not only aligns with her natural energy levels but also makes Melissa more efficient.

Another tactic she uses to stay motivated is planning time off and having something to look forward to. Whether it's a fun activity or simply a break from studying, knowing she has scheduled downtime helps keep her grounded and prevents burnout.

At the end of the day, balancing a PhD and personal well-being is all about finding what works best for you. Whether it's taking a stroll to clear your mind, diving into research with tools that fit your needs, or switching up your study spots for a fresh perspective…the key is to stay flexible. With a little planning, intentional movement, and fun breaks to look forward to, you can definitely stay on top of your academic game— and without burning out. It's all about working smarter, not harder, which means making space for both productivity and play!


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